Festival Ayo Membaca Hari Ke-6 (By Aqiila)
By: Aqiila Pada “Festival Ayo Membaca” hari terakhir (Minggu, 21 Oktober 2021) terlihat semangat yang tidak padam dari raut wajah …
Sekolah Islam berstandar Internasional, terotorisasi:
International Baccalaureate (IB).
Pertama di Jawa Tengah
Early Years – Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a program designed for students aged 3 to 7 years. This program will start with Islamic habituation, independence, socialization, and fulfillment of good nutrition, for the growth and development of children at their age.
Elementary – Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a program designed for students aged 7 to 12 years. PYP’s transdisciplinary framework focuses on the development of the child as an inquirer, both in school and in life outside of school.
Middle Years Programme (MYP) & High School emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students aged 11-16 to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. MYP aims to produce young people who think internationally, empathize, pursue the meaning of life.
By: Aqiila Pada “Festival Ayo Membaca” hari terakhir (Minggu, 21 Oktober 2021) terlihat semangat yang tidak padam dari raut wajah …
By: Fatimah Di hari terakhir “Festival Ayo Membaca”, Minggu 21 November 2021, beberapa siswa-siswi Al Firdaus kembali menghibur para pengunjung …
Foto: – Azmi Faza Fauzanto – Hakiim Ilham Al Rosyada – Bintang Nafi’ Zaidan Amanullah – Fairus …
Bekerja Sama Dengan SOLOPOS, 39 Siswa Al Firdaus Tampil Meriah Dalam “Festival Ayo Membaca” Sebanyak 39 siswa Al …
Giat Literasi: 39 Siswa Al Firdaus Unjuk Kebolehan Dalam “Festival Ayo Membaca” Acara yang diselenggarakan di Solo Grand …
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